The Quaint Little Town Of Hershey

This is one post that is definitely months over due.

So here goes….

I was holidaying with one of my BFF’s 2 months ago and we followed the usual route of going to all the “happening” cities et al and doing all the usual stuff like fine dining, lounges, shopping, partying  and loads of sight seeing etc and then one weekend, when the Pope was visiting Philly,everything was at a stand still even days before he got in. All the major routes for everything, the rail, sea port, flights etc…. everything was brewing to be chaotic.Even offices had to give their staff those days off up until the next week.

And that meant my aunt too 😀 so she then had this genius idea that we drive down to Hershey and stay there for the weekend. Best Idea my entire trip I must say.

So we packed our stuff, I, Ope (BFF), My aunt & My grandma, hopped in the car and started the drive down to the beautiful and quaint little town of Hershey. (Not a sucker for road trips so I slept all the way, hence no pictures of the journey)

Now everyone that is a sweet tooth has definitely heard about Hershey’s. It’s slogan is “The sweetest place on earth”.. LOL….It really is though.


I could have sworn that every inn, diner, store or building had some form of sweetness in its name.

We got there at night and immediately we got to our hotel and unpacked,we bounced right out to look around (My beautiful grams was having none of that, so she stayed back in the hotel).

Everyone that knows me knows I HATE to walk long distances! But between my aunt and my darling friend, we walked more than 5KM that night. We covered almost the entire town.





Fast forward to the next day, we all started out having break fast at this really awesome and cute coffee shop, Peet’s Coffee & Tea.


I & My Beautiful Aunt at Peet’s Coffee & Tea.

Then we did some more sight seeing…. Might I just add that Hershey is soooo beautiful even though so small. The people are the nicest and most polite ever. I feel like everyone there knows everyone, their mums and even grandfolks.LOL

One more thing I noticed, there are sooooooooo many Chiropractors and Dentists in that town. Is there something I should know?







And then we move on to the highlight of visit to that town: Hershey Park!!!

One of the most fun parks I’ve been to in a while.

When I and Ope got to the park, we were forming we can go on all the rides (because your pass allows you unlimited access to ALL rides) but mehn after a few hours of screams…. I rest my case.


I & Ope


Before the screams….



This Sky Rush ride will make you beg for your mummy…



It was cute to feed the ducks too 🙂


After all the screams, we decided to chill and let our vocal chords rest 😀


Sea Lions are just tooo adorable!



Mother & Daughter……While we were screaming our lungs off, My aunt & Grams were having a chilled day in the rest of the Chocolate World



The cutest & coolest GRAMS everrrrrrrrrrr!




And after such a long day full of activities, of course fine dining was in order… Food makes the world such a happy place 🙂



This day in summary

Hershey is in Derry Township, Dauphin County in Pennsylvania.Hershey’s chocolates are made in Hershey, which was founded by candy magnate Milton S. Hershey.The population was 14,257 at the 2010 census.

Hershey is also referred to as “The Sweetest Place on Earth”.


The Art Of Bricks

I have always been a lover of art for as long as I can remember.

For me art isn’t limited to paintings, drawings, sketches etc

Art for me is simply an original expression of “self”. It could be in the form of anything.

I recently was at the Franklin Institute and had the privilege of visiting “The Art of The Brick” and I was so impressed and inspired by his work.

Name of the artist is Nathan Sawaya.

Former big-time lawyer. Quit his job to chase after his dream of being an artist.

All his pieces are made outta LEGO bricks! Yes, you read right! Every single piece is hand made and made outta Lego bricks.

Seeing all of his work made me genuinely inspired. made me want to chase after my own passion and above all made me only want to focus on only that which gives me joy from within.

Enjoy The Art of the Brick in pictures…

Benjamin Franklin the GREAT 👏🏼👏🏼


Well I hope you didn’t just look through these pictures, hope you read the message and inspiration behind his works…

Above all hope you had as much fun as I did doing this….

Hugs, Kisses & Strawberry Milkshakes


Just Because All Other Events Are Too Mainstream…

Planning an event is something I had done a couple of times in the past….BUT that was different, I did it because it was part of a job to me and I was damn good at it *if I may say so myself*J . I was going to be doing this because my sister and friend, Cece was gonna be getting married to her dream man.

Anyway, what I’m about to share with you is the summarized version of the entire planning process between I and my darling Opizzle. Okay I don’t really fancy that so called tagged nick name so we shall be sticking to Ope 😀

I and Ope knew we were going to throw Cece a bridal shower at some point, before the wedding obviously, we just didn’t know what date exactly. The first task was to pick a date, which we did. We picked Saturday April 25th, 2015.

The next task was to decide on a theme. See the thing is, my girl Cece is a lover of movies (she can literally see 4 movies in one dayK) as well as love stories. Well I am too so I can’t even judge.

So we decided on a theme: A Love story/movie. Sounds so mushy yes? Then it’s perfect! The idea was to tailor this shower to be like the premier of her and Alfred’s love story to everyone.

Now that you know our rationale for this, let’s keep it moving.

I have been to only 2 bridal showers actually. The first I was sorta involved in the planning and the second…..Well let’s just say I didn’t even know the groom.

Anyway, Google became our best friend. We searched and searched and searched on possible execution styles. This included décor, food, drinks etc, the whole shenanigan. We had a picture of how we wanted EVERYTHING to look…

Before I go on, might I add that Ope is one friend everyone needs in their life. I have never seen so much dedication, commitment and selflessness all in one person for something that wasn’t bringing in “cash” lol.

I think during this period Etisalat might have thought that she was my boyfriend because damn we were on the phone for hours during those weeks!!!! One of us has a light bulb moment and in a split second , we are back on the phone after just saying goodnight.

To cut the long story short, I’ll show you everything else in pictures.


What we wanted:  A Hollywood themed cake


And we got one 🙂 🙂 🙂

Amazing cake by @meltingmoments

For the food, we wanted the whole movie themed food stuff: Hot dogs, Burgers, Small chops (lets face it no party in this life is complete without small chops), cake lollipops, marsh mallows, macaroons, glazed douhgnuts etc

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Small chops give me so much joy really…..anyway moving on yet again :*

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I’m sure y’all are tired of my food pictures. Let’s move to humans……. IMG_1609                         IMG_1607

I never gisted you guys how we got Cece to come for her bridal shower unsuspecting yes? Well see the thing is, it was Ope’s birthday earlier in the week. So Ope just told her she was having an all-white dinner to celebrate it. Notice how baby girl showed up all hot and spicy in her all-white ensemble. Mission accomplished 😀

The cutest part is she actually showed up with gifts!!! and not just a gift for “birthday girl” Ope, she also got me something I reallllllly wanted too…My friends are too cute.

Anyway, summary is we had too much fun for one night!

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Please don’t ask me what Lucy was doing here 🙂 She was tryna imitate someone. She pulled it off i must say…lmao

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And the sexy gifts started coming in…..Alfred go hear am 😐

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I don’t even remember what was so funny…

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Beautiful Mo & My sexy mama, Seun!


The 3 Musketeers!



You know we had to recreate this pose right? 😀

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You have to really know me to understand this dance step….


I’m not complete till i do my signature move…. Inspired by Derin AA

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Ofcourse we had to make a big ass circle and play around… That’s what big girls do!


Led by madam ofcourse 🙂

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This girl beside me is quite the mental one! Her name is Ope as well. She was too much fun!!!! As you shall see in the next picture…


Truth is I have had the chance to meet so many beautiful, amazing and hard working ladies because of Cynthia & Alfred’s awesome union.

And I feel super blessed to have met them…


We love you Cynthia Okeke!!!!!!! And ofcourse Alfred too 😀

Did you really think we were going to have a movie themed bridal shower and not premier a movie? Nah fam! See below the video that left hard core Cece teary eyed.

I might start taking this event thing a bit more seriously *wink*

And ofcourse the wedding was everything we all dreamed it’ll be. I shall bring you the wedding exclusive soon …Soon in this case is in a couple of weeks or more…lol Lagos living ain’t easy.

Hugs, Kisses & Strawberry Milkshakes


I’m Such A Sucker For Love Stories…

Everyone who knows me, knows I’m a sucker for love stories. especially genuine happy ones.

Anyway, today I’m going to be ranting about the love story that is my brother, Obinna and his gorg wife!! Onyeka.

I’m sure you’d all agree with me that this is such a #latepost. LOL

See the thing is I and my brother are so much alike. We throw banter about the lamest of things and we have the same likes in so many things like: FOOD *dontjudgeus*, music, fashion, personality etc

I have been with my brother through all his relationship theatrics and drama. lol. and I must say this one crept up on both of us. and yes both of US! we are in the relationship together fam!

Anyway moving on, Obi has known her for so many years. *friendzonethings* and they stayed friends through both all their previous relationships until Obi had a light bulb moment and asked himself why he was dulling when he had such an “awezum” person in his life.

He says the moment of realization that she was his wife came like a hit wave and it happened when they hadn’t even started dating.

Fast forward to many many many many many many many months later and we have these series of events.

Enjoy guys!

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They are sooooooooo gonna have beautiful babiesssssss *sigh*



Oh btw those registry people said they must kiss by force….lol




Yes Yes Yes! We are now all Amogu’s 😀





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OF COURSE I had to take a #carfie!!!!!! for the road 😀 Ignore the photobomber behind…

Hugs, Kisses & Strawberry Milkshakes


Did You Sit On The Floor As A Child?

There are only so many people I know till date that had to sit on cold, hard, cemented floors to receive their lectures in primary school. We didn’t call them lectures in those days. I forget what we called them then.

There are also only a handful of people who I know who had more than 2000 other setmates, so much so that they had to come to school in batches.

Let’s not even dwell so much on the loos. Or its lack of existence if I must say so. Grateful for the rustic pit latrines which plays host to more than 3000 people of the same school. 

The water situation doesn’t even allow for proper maintenance of these laterines.

These elements represent the CURRENT situation of a primary school right here in Nigeria. In Kano to be precise.


Now let’s get to the quality of the actual education these children receive. Their teachers are understaffed, under trained and overwhelmed in every way. Not enough educational resources to educate these kids. Leaders of tomorrow we say.

The most amazing part of all this is the hope these kids have. They are more eager to learn than some of the kids privileged to have all the desired amenities and more at their disposal.

The name of this school is Sauwna Kawaji Primary School, Kano.


We sit in our high chairs in our little bubbles most days and forget that there are some people (kids most times) who would be so grateful for even a crumb of what some of us have.

If their disposition has taught me one thing, it’s GRATITUDE.

The plan is not just to chit chat about this on here and get some “ohhhhs” and “awws”. 

The plan is to raise money for a a better learning facility for these kids. For decent books, uniforms, furniture, water, bathrooms and every other facility that will help out here. The goal is just N800 -N1million 🙂 

Even if you don’t have cash to spare and you have any other material you feel will help these kids, do help out. Givers always win! 😀

However, if you do have cash to support our cause,please contact 

dbrown Consulting

70A Adeyemi Akapo street

Omole Phase1

Agidingbi, Ikeja,


Call for more info: 08038220907 or 07013750888


Once this cause is populated through a registered fund raiser, i will update you guys. Till then, let’s keep the support coming. 

It’s the season of love and sharing. Let’s share with these kids.

Happy Valentine’s Day :*




And The Leaves Turned Brown II

I just got this amazing purse from one of my best friends and I loooooove it. Matter of fact, If you know me very well you’d know that I love my friends too damn much.

Anyway, guess why she got this particular design. Said the “bling” and “shinyness” reminded her of my personality. lol. She “aint” lie though.


Anyhoo, let’s get back to Ladi

*chirp chirp chirp…* The bedside alarm clock sang. It was 6am. Rays of the first light made their way to Ladi as he wrestled with his eyelids.

He finally won that battle. As he got up, got dressed and made his way to the door, he paused for 5.2 seconds and prayed for strength. Then he continued.

Ladi turned his bedroom doorknob, walked to his living room and saw all of them seated on HIS couch, hushing away with whispers reeking of gossip. Pretentious hypocrites he murmured under his breath before he finally sat.

Then he remembered Adaobi. The love of his life. He smiled wryly at the irony of life.

Ladi met Adaobi almost a decade ago and they had been married more than half that time.

Two years ago, Ladi was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. It broke Adaobi’s heart. After months and months of treatment and staging, lucky for him, it was found that the cancer hadn’t spread. Few months after that and Ladi was officially in the clear.

2 weeks ago , Sunday night precisely, was when Adaobi first complained of incessant head throbs. A week after, she slumped at the mall and went into a coma. 3 days after, she died.

He was the one diagnosed with an almost terminal ailment and yet it’s his Adaobi who dies. Life sure is getting creative with it’s suprises he thought.

Ladi snapped himself back to reality to deal with the bunch of jokers seated right across him. He looked with disdain at each face trying to be civil for the sake of literacy. He hadn’t seen any of them since he and Adaobi got married. A marriage they all vowed would happen over their dead bodies by the way.After all why should a non-ibo rascal marry their jewel, they sang back then.

Neither he or Adaobi had seen or heard from them since the wedding. Not even a text messge once to ask how their “jewel” was doing. I mean they cost N4 these days don’t they? Now they are all seated in her home with their over zealous hats asking the way forward to bury their daughter.

Ladi smirked dreamily for the second time in a row in less than 5 minutes and Mazi Ikenna thought it time to bring this rascal back to planet earth. “ahem ahem” He coughed.

In that moment, the last person Ladi expected to see walked into his living room, Justice Daramola Ladi Onijogbon, His mother. “Hello mother” he croaked.

Things were about to get more interesting than anticipated, Ladi thought in his newly directed monologue featuring him and his broken heart.

P.s: Some parts of this story were culled by a real person’s real life’s experiences

Hugs, Kisses & Strawberry Milkshakes

….And the leaves turned brown

Ladi tossed and turned as large beads of sweat trickled down his face and back. Even as he slept, he could feel the heaviness from the day before. He could feel the darkness hover over him.somewhat protectively.

It was 4:00AM and his eyes slowly but gently welcomed the pitch blackness that filled his space. It felt like he hadn’t even slept a wink.

Eyes heavy, bones sore and feet shaky, Ladi got out of bed and walked to the door. Just as he was about to turn the knob, a dark wave came rushing over him as he remembered the events of the day before.

His spirit sank so low, he could have sworn he heard it drop.

Then the tears came pouring down. The pain he felt, no one deserved to ever feel this way.

It would get better in the morning. So many great men had said this, so it had to be true. yes?

Little did Ladi know that this was going to be the brightest of days in a long time to come.


Wanna know what life throws at Ladi next?  Then make sure you read….And the leaves turned brownII.

Oh btw I’m sure you are thinking deeply about the relevance of this image above. Don’t bother, it has absolutely nothing to do with Ladi. I just wanted to share with you the amazing margarita I had couple of weeks back at the newly refurbished BheerHugz, in Ikeja. Redesigned by my beautiful beautiful friend, Ope Olubowale, CEO O-Cubed Designs. But I’m sure you knew I just had to market my friend now.*flips weave*.

Hugs, Kisses & Strawberry Milkshakes

Take It!

Ever been in a state where all you keep telling yourself that all you need is a sign. Somewhat magical.

You keep stalling and procrastinating every minute detail leading up to that big step.


Excuses Excuses Excuses! for every detail you fail to bring together.

Truth is we are our own biggest excuse!

You don’t need a magical sign. You need that magical drive!

You don’t need it all figured out to the finish line, you need to get past the start line first!

You don’t need to strategize how not to fall, you need to strategize how to stand again when you DO fall!

You don’t need to wait for any favors to be handed out to you, you need to learn to just TAKE IT!

Hugs, Kisses & Strawberry Milkshakes

The Compass

“She doesn’t need to know about Folake’s advances towards me”. I repeated this phrase so many times in my head so much so that I started to believe it and in no time, I was convinced.

Folake’s inappropriate behavior towards me was going to stay a secret. Maybe in some societies, making sexual advances towards your sister’s husband is okay. Yes? Certainly not in Lagos, Nigeria. And certainly not according to my wife’s books!

My name is Boye, I have been married for 3 years and I love my wife. At least I’d love to think I do. Folake wasn’t at our wedding. She couldn’t make it. She was away on an exchange programme in Bejing. Ever since she’s been here, I get the feeling that she’s bad news waiting to happen…and I was right. It did happen!

There are so many things that go on in many relationships today and the society as a whole that no matter how closely you scrutinize, you will never be able to see. Well unless the relationship is yours, then maybe. Just maybe!

Where are the lines drawn as women? Where do you stop as men?

Wives are sexually harassed, emotionally and physically in our society today. But husbands? That’s an even funnier tale. Gone is the era where a woman takes pride in being wooed. Everything is just so fast paced these days.

And no this isn’t a rant about fidelity. It is about the decisions we take in life, not considering the other lives our decisions will ultimately affect. It is about our inherent selfishness as humans that we are so weak and defenceless against. It is about our priorities and choices today.

There is one thing I believe and you should too. No matter how deranged and crazy the society you live in is, as a human, you should never lose one thing. It’s called dignity!

Keep that in mind and your compass will never go south.

Love, smooches & strawberry milkshakes

A Bit About Me!

So yea yea yea I haven’t written in a while. Whose gonna check me :p

I’ve gotta full time job yo! And Lagos traffic can be a pain.


Its 6months into the year 2014 and I find myself evaluating my life choices these past 6 months. Remember those new year decisions you made (I hate when people say ‘new year resolutions’.. no offence J). Most of them you even forgot you made, and the rest, you just find yourself not being able to keep them.

In my case, I fall into both categories but there’s a twist. I also know that at the beginning of this year, I never envisaged I’d have come this far in my career and life as a whole.

Do you find yourself wondering what might have been? What should be? What could be? Don’t!

Life always has its very special way of handing you sour ass lemons. Don’t make no lemonades! Hand those lemons right back! Don’t ever feel sorry for yourself. Some people have it worse than you do. Tones of people want your current situation as a testimony.

Continue reading